Thursday, September 18, 2014

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 06 Issue 2

*** Unconditional Love Video of the Day -

*** World's Shortest 'Kinetic Typography Discussion' of the Day
     Remember those videos with words flying in and twirling and doing all sorts of things? Here is an example of one Brenda Kresky made to open her upcoming DRE meeting.  It was created with Keynote, Apple's version of PowerPoint. You create the slide show, then record the show to pace it, then export it as a video using the recording. The text motion is an elaborate use of the text build/animation function on the Inspector. The new version of PowerPoint can do the same thing. We uploaded the video, then used Youtube's built in Creator Studio to add the music. There is also "Letters in Motion", an iOS/Android app ( for creating Kinetic Typography. High learning curve, lots of control, lots of fun. Example at, again the music was added using Youtube's Creator Studio (you can add music in the app too!).

*** 'Sabbath: The Reality' Video of the Day (Thank you Dr. Anne Frederick)

*** Place to find viral videos of the Day Note that you can use this tool to find cool videos, and go to the original host. Storyful is a curating/license clearing service. It may also be a window to the future of news media. I use it to find videos, not to license from them necessarily.

*** Best Place to find Online Resources of the Day (Thank you, and congratualtions to, Ms. Kim Feldman and Ms. Tricia Tranel)
     I saved the best for last! The Archdiocese of Dubuque has had a searchable online webcatalog for some time now... but they have recently added curated online resources! Check out for information, or go directly to it at If I'm looking for a resource on baptism, I type in the word, like "baptism", the age level if I like, and the online media type. Up pops a list of resources, and I can click on one to go there through my browser. Note that this service just started, so the collected resources are limited in number at this point.

If any links do not work, simply copy and paste them into your browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be short. Very short. It is also archived at If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!  Blessings!  Tim Welch)