Tuesday, April 26, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 02 Issue 09

***Music for your videos of the day
Looking for music (creative copyright and/or free) for your class
meditation prayer videos or PowerPoints? Check out http://www.jamendo.com
and http://www.zero-project.gr/ and http://www.danosongs.com/. I
found them by surfing through http://mashable.com/2010/12/08/ind-music-for-youtube-videos/

***Old Idea with New Twist of the day (thank you, Tweet from James
Martin, SJ, http://twitter.com/#!/JamesMartinSJ)
The "If the Social Network 'whatever story' about Jesus" is getting
old, check out http://www.ignitermedia.com/mini-movies/1923/Follow/.
Fr. Martin said he was prepared to not like it...

***Cool YouTube utility of the day
http://www.youtuberepeater.com is a service that allows you to
automatically play the same YouTube video over and over. Why? Dunno.
Well, maybe, if you have an open house and want a YouTube meditation
with music, or the YouTube video of your highschoolers on their
service trip, or whatever, to loop over and over...

***Blog post of the day (thank you, Caroline Cerveny, SSJ-TOSF)
http://acyberpilgrim.org/ is a great blog to follow! Check out "A
Scripture Digital Storytelling Prayer Experience" at http://tinyurl.com/acyberpilgrim-prayerexp

***Book Resource of the day (thank you, Amazon Reviewers!)
See Amazon reviews of Catechesis in a Multimedia World by Mary Byrne
Hoffmann at http://tinyurl.com/amazon-Catmedia. I am liking this short
and richly insightful book!

If any links do not work, simply copy and paste them into your
browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, www.nacmp.org. It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President, http://www.NACMP.org)