Thursday, December 8, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 03 Issue 4

***Incarnational Video of the Day (thank you Mr. Dan Hollenhorst) The first 1:45 would make for a
great prayer starter, but the whole thing can be used for theological

***Tips for YouTube Techies of the Day

***Immaculate Conception Informational Video of the Day (thank you Mr.
Lee Nagel and Mr. Kent Schmitz)

***"Reign of God and God's Creation" Video of the Day
What can this guy teach us about simplicity, play and slowing down?

***"Can our Faith Formation Ministry Do This....? idea" of the Day referring
to and iTunes>iTunes Store>Podcasts>Kids &
Family>KID FRIDAY (audio)

*** free clip of the Day (thank you Ms. Brenda Kresky) I love these stories!
Brenda also suggests ... an online timer. It is
cool. I just set mine to 44 minutes so I will get home with the
groceries on time.

If any links do not work, simply copy and paste them into your
browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to
be short. Very short. It is also archived at http:// If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply
to this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings
slightly! Blessings! Tim Welch, President)

Friday, October 28, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 03 Issue 3

***Halloween Videos of the Day Can this inspire digital
storytellers in our RE programs? Or what about telling the Christmas
Story like this Halloween Story?

***Blog on the "Intersection of Faith and Film" of the Day (thank you
Dr. Caroline Cerveny) is a blog by Paul Jarzembowski

***Site with wowzers video of the Day (thank you Lee Nagel) (check out the Hummingbird story)

***Media Literacy Discussion Video of the Day
A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work -

***Introduction to lesson on the 8th Commandment Video of the Day

***Tweet of the Day (thank you Dr. Elizabeth Drescher)
Digital ministry practice from Keith Anderson

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browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President,

Friday, September 30, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 03 Issue 2

***Video of Hope for the Day

***"If you ain't seen it yet..." of the Day (thank you Mr. Dan
"Jesus of the People" painting at

***Example of Witness/Youtube/DigitalStorytelling Video of the Day
(thank you Mr. Mike Parr)

***Anti-Cyber Bullying Resource of the Day (thank you Ms. Kathy Ward)

***Printed Resource suggestion for the day (thank you Ms. Tricia
Biblical Literacy Made Easy: A Practical Guide For Catechists,
Teachers, And Youth Ministers by Brian Singer-Towns, ©2008 St. Mary's
Press. This is a great little gem of a resource, an excellent gift for
the beginning of the school year. It provides easy-to-understand
foundational background for the formation leader. It is filled with
information to help young people become knowledgeable and comfortable
using the Bible, seeing the big picture of the biblical story of
salvation history, and interpreting Bible books and passages in their
proper contexts. To make it completely wonderful, it includes many
catechetical strategies and activity ideas throughout the book.

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browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President,

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 03 Issue 1

***"If you ain't seen it yet..." of the Day (thank you Ms. Cherryl
"God and Dog" at

***"Prepare for Lent" Video of the Day (thank you Mr. Dan Hollenhorst) (also gives Catechists
ideas... can your group create one of these for Thanksgiving, or
Christmas, etc.?)

***DVD suggestion for the day (thank you Ms. Tricia Tranel):
"Princess Madison And The Royal Darling Pageant" by Karen Scalf
Linamen, ©2006 by Baker Publishing Group.
If you are teaching a lesson on Baptism, God's unconditional love, or
self-worth, this delightful read-aloud is one of those that "says it
best in a story." Princess Madison had dirt under her nails, freckles
on her nose, and marbles in her pocket. But she still thought she was
a princess until her sister told her otherwise. Participating in the
Royal Darling Pageant was the perfect opportunity to find out if she
really was a princess. As Madison discovers that a princess is a
princess by the very fact that she is the daughter of the king, young
people will discover that they also are children of the Father by the
very fact of the Father's love for them.

***Tech tools to explore and "dream about using in faith formation" of
the day
Online Sticky Note Tools for Collaboration and more!

***"Safe Environment Site and More" for the day

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browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 02 Issue 12

***Catholic "Why We Do...." of the Day (thank you S. Janet Schaeffler) and
also at

***DVD suggestion for the day (thank you Ms. Tricia Tranel):
"I AM", @2010 by Twentieth Century Fox, for high school students who
continue to need formation in living out the Ten Commandments and are
well beyond simply trying to memorize and recite them, this DVD serves
as a wonderful discussion starter. Ten strangers entangle themselves
in the spider web that is life in Los Angeles today. Unknowingly, they
are living out the Ten Commandments one by one. As they struggle to
solve their problems themselves, things only get worse. Their problems
multiply, and spill over into the lives of so many others until they
surrender their lives to a mysterious stranger. This stranger is one
presence that never leaves; one who has no beginning or end; one lone
voice of love, reason, and compassion in the midst of lives on fire:
the great I AM. This is a gritty allegory about grace and redemption.

***Tech tools to explore and "dream about using in faith formation" of
the day
Google tools you may or may not know about:
Also, try Google forms for Faith Formation Registration! See

***Meditation video tools for the day
Here is a meditation video and links from the medical staff at Mayo
Clinic,, and
resources and help from our British Jesuit friends at
. This simple Mayo video gives me ideas for creating prayer videos
with younger learners!

***PowerPoint on Steroids tool of the day
If you are tired of PowerPoint, check out, hardly

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browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President,

Thursday, June 9, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 02 Issue 11

***Youtube videos of the Day
We had some great TR (theological reflection) on

***Book suggestion for the day (thank you Ms. Tricia Tranel):
"Princess Madison And The Royal Darling Pageant" by Karen Scalf
Linamen, If you are teaching a lesson
on Baptism, God's unconditional love, or self worth, this delightful
read-aloud is one of those that "says it best in a story." Princess
Madison had dirt under her nails, freckles on her nose, and marbles in
her pocket. But she still thought she was a princess until her sister
told her otherwise. Participating in the Royal Darling Pageant was the
perfect opportunity to find out if she really was a princess. As
Madison discovers that a princess is a princess by the very fact that
she is the daughter of the king, young people will discover that they
also are children of the Father by the very fact of the Father's love
for them.

***Media literacy tip for the day (thank you Sr. Rose Pacatte):
How to watch movies with kids pacatte
- Know your own values so you can use them to make media decisions
- Together make a list of your family values and post them on the fridge
- Communicate to motivate your decisions about what movies to watch
- Talk about what you watch together - start when the kids are very
- Pass on your values and beliefs while talking about cinema stories
- Check the ratings and read reviews for guidance
- Teach your kids to ask questions about what the movie means
- Build a strategy to watch movies with kids so you can deal with
difficult issues
From "How to Watch Movies with Kids: A Values-Based Strategy", 2011,
by my friend and colleague Sr. Hosea Rupprecht, FSP; Pauline Books &

***Podcast of the day (thank you Ms. Anita Fischer)
"Beyond the Words", a podcast all about the new Roman Missal from the
University of Dayton and the Archdiocese of Cincinnatti.

***Video to end the day (or begin it) of the Day
Brian Doerksen meets BBC's "The Planet" -

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browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 02 Issue 10

***Youtube videos of the Day
Wonder what a discussion on these videos with impassioned youth would
be like? and

***Music for your videos of the day Part II
Ooooh, check out for music for your
digital storytelling. May not all be quiet meditation material but...

***Vimeo Video of the Day (thank you, Adrian Brown)
A Portrait of Christ. Started out as "same old same old", quickly
turned captivating.

***DVD Resource of the Day (thank you, Denise Puckett)
Discovered this $29.95 treasure by Tom and Adam Zanzig while visiting
Louisville. "Jesus the Christ: A Visual Mediation" (12-minute
inspirational video using images and music)

***Media Website to Check Out of the Day (thank you, Linda Kaiser)

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browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President,

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 02 Issue 09

***Music for your videos of the day
Looking for music (creative copyright and/or free) for your class
meditation prayer videos or PowerPoints? Check out
and and I
found them by surfing through

***Old Idea with New Twist of the day (thank you, Tweet from James
Martin, SJ,!/JamesMartinSJ)
The "If the Social Network 'whatever story' about Jesus" is getting
old, check out
Fr. Martin said he was prepared to not like it...

***Cool YouTube utility of the day is a service that allows you to
automatically play the same YouTube video over and over. Why? Dunno.
Well, maybe, if you have an open house and want a YouTube meditation
with music, or the YouTube video of your highschoolers on their
service trip, or whatever, to loop over and over...

***Blog post of the day (thank you, Caroline Cerveny, SSJ-TOSF) is a great blog to follow! Check out "A
Scripture Digital Storytelling Prayer Experience" at

***Book Resource of the day (thank you, Amazon Reviewers!)
See Amazon reviews of Catechesis in a Multimedia World by Mary Byrne
Hoffmann at I am liking this short
and richly insightful book!

If any links do not work, simply copy and paste them into your
browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President,

Monday, March 28, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 02 Issue 08

***Stethoscope stories of the the day (thank you Ms. Joyce Donahue et.
al.) ... and one video
response ... and another
stethoscope story ..., can
we use this last one to start a discussion on the pros and cons of
technology tools?

***Tech Resource and Tips Tool of the Day (thank you Mr. Jared Dees)

***God Video of the Day (thank you Ms. Kathy Langer)

***Online Utility of the Day
Ever want to print out an article from a web page, without the ads and
other ickies? Try

***Media literacy quote of the day (thank you Sr. Rose Pacatte):

How to review a role-playing video game
1. Articulate your personal and family values in writing; these form
your media criteria
2. Go to the video game store with your child and try it out before
buying it
3. Check the rating and see if it is reasonable based on your experience
4. Assess if the "plot" of the game and the choices offered the gamer
meet your criteria
5. Motivate clearly the reasons for your decision to buy or not to buy
with your child
6. If you decide to buy, check eBay or Amazon for used copies and
donate the difference to a charitable cause
7. Play the game together with your child as an equal partner and talk
about it

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browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 02 Issue 07

***Prayer Video of the Day (thank you CEM staff)

***Chastity Discussion Starter of the day (thank you Ms. Donna Peiper):

Free as of this writing.

***Website suggestion for the day (thank you Ms. Kathy Ward!):

John Roberto's Faith Formation Learning Exchange, great resources for
all ages from "cradle to grave.." even has intergenerational!

***Ecumenical talking heads site of the day (thank you John Roberto)

From Duke Divinity.
. Here is our own Fr. Elizondo:

***Media literacy quote of the day (thank you Sr. Rose Pacatte):

Tips for watching TV with very small kids

Media mindfulness works best when parents start interacting with media
and kids when their children are very young, just when they are
becoming verbal. If they are watching television, it's time to start.
Why? Because it makes it normal for you, the significant adults, to
talk about media with them. This practice and strategy offers the best
hope to keep communication about media going through pre-teens,
adolescence and beyond. Their answers will come as they grow. But keep

I am using "SpongeBob Square Pants as an example, but this can be
applied to any child's television show or movie.

- Sit close or snuggle up during the program
- Identify objects: "Oh, SpongeBob is eating kelp cereal! Remember
when we had that special cereal at grandma's?"
- Identify actions: "Look, they are swimming so fast!"
- Suggest possibilities: "Where do you think they are going?"
- Invite the child to identify objects, "What's that?"
- Question the actions of characters: "Oh my; was that a nice thing
for Patrick to say (or do)?"
- Talk about alternative choices: "What could Patrick have said so
that everyone could get along?"
- Engage their feelings (empathy): "How do you think Mr. Krabs made
SpongeBob feel?" "How would you feel is someone said that to you?"
- Let them retell the story in their own words

( See "The Mommy Bar: Getting Parents and Pre-Schoolers Talking" at

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browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 02 Issue 06

***Facebook Visio-Divino Aid of the Day (thank you Dr. Barbara Sutton):
Where Facebook and the Saint John's Bible (
) meet:

***YouTube Discussion Starter of the Day (thank you Ms. Molly Weyrens), the Skit Guys. Is this a
good discussion starter for your group? Can you and/or your group
create a similar discussion starter?

***Blast from the Past Updated Internet Safety Resource of the Day
(thank you Mr. Dan Hollenhorst)
Remember Desiderata, the philosophical exhortation for wisdom and
happiness of 1972? (if not, check
xxrsNCLr_xk). Here is's updated version, the
DigiDesiderata ( The pdf
version at
contains reflection questions.

***Book Idea of the Day (thank you Mr. Daniel Hardester)
Jesuit Father John Kavanaugh's revised and updated "Following Christ
in a Consumer Society". It's a cultural critique of the first order
and this 25th anniversary edition has a 2006 publication date. It's
axiomatic that gospel living is countercultural until we live in the
reign of God. Consequently, Catholic Christian cultural critique is
indispensible to our mission. Get the book at

***Web Tool of the Day
Notice the links to This tool allows you to
paste in the web address (URL) of a YouTube video, and turn it into
another address that, when followed, shows the video without the
distractions of suggested videos, comments, etc. This prevents people
from running into words or videos that would be less than appropriate
for our ministry.

If any links do not work, simply copy and paste them into your
browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President,