Friday, January 25, 2013

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 04 Issue 4

***Conception to birth video of the Day (thank you, Mr. John MacDonald)

***Did You Realize (interesting spin on "Did You Know" videos) video of the Day (thank you, Ms. Linda Kaiser)

***Technology and Religious Education Webinar of the Day (thank you, Ms. Debbie Matulewicz and Mr. Victor Valenzuela!)

***Irish Blessing video of the Day (Beannacht, Mr. Dan Hollenhorst)

***CRS Free Trade Video Playlist of the Day, from a NACMP member listserv discussion (thank you, Ms. Stephanie Bosse)

If any links do not work, simply copy and paste them into your browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be short. Very short. It is also archived at If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!  Blessings!  Tim Welch, President)