Monday, July 5, 2010

“Shortest Catechetical Media/Tech eLetter Ever” from NACMP Vol. 01 Issue 03

***Media literacy tip (thank you Sr. Maureen Crosby)
Boys Town Press has a new series out titled "Film Clips for Character
Education". The clips reinforce moral values such as: Honesty,
Cooperation, Respect etc... Movie titles include "Liar Liar, Cool
Runnings, Shrek, Big Fat Liar and many more. There are 8 DVDs in
package but can be purchased individually. These were recommended by
the Diocese of Brownsville Catholic School Counselors but can be used
in CCE also. (Website: or Email:
or just go to the Boys Town

***Youtube video tip for the day (thank you Mr. Kent Schmitz)
Two Lazy Frogs... you can't judge a book by its cover!

***Idea for the day (thank you Ms. Tricia Tranel):
NACMP reminds me over and over of the power of media-used-well to
"spread the message." Whether it is a video clip that inspires an ah-
ha! moment, a song that speaks to the heart and brings tears to the
eyes, an active learning strategy gleaned from the latest resource
book that engages participants to the point where they cannot help but
become interested and involved, the result is the same: Media spreads
the message, tells the story, touches the heart in a way that could
not have been done otherwise. NACMP forever reminds me of the endless
possibilities for using media in our work as catechetical leaders.

***Media literacy tip (thank you Sr. Rose Pacatte!):
Media literacy tip for the day:
When teaching kids about faith and media, remember what it was like to
be a teen; don't pass judgment on information and entertainment media
you have not seen or experienced personally. (cf. Media Minfdulness:
Educating Teens about Faith & Media, by G. Hailer, R. Pacatte, St.
Mary's Press, 2007)

***Ministry Tip for the Day (thank you Ms. Brenda Kresky):
Ya know when you are in ministry, and there are frustrations with what
you are or aren't offering?... Sometimes they ain't buyin' what we're

If any links do not work, simply copy and paste them into your
browser's URL field, making sure no spaces accidentally get into it.
(This eLetter is a free service from the National Association of
Catechetical Media Professionals, It is meant to be
short. Very short. If you would like to "unsubscribe", simply reply to
this eLetter and let me know. It will only hurt my feelings slightly!
Blessings! Tim Welch, President, NACMP.)